I hate all the candy, to be honest. We come home with tons of candy, the majority of which we can't or don't eat. Little Miss has a diary allergy which cuts out a huge portion of the candy we collect. We all avoid HFCS and food dyes wherever we can, which cuts out the majority of the rest. Mister Man get to keep his Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. A few neighbors hand out fruit strips or peanut packs, and one neighbor cooks hot dogs for everyone. That and bags of pretzels are usually what we have at the end of the night.
Even the fruit strips and peanut butter cups aren't unlimited. I don't want the wee ones eating that much sugar. It isn't good for their overall health, and it really isn't good for their teeth. Knock on wood, neither of them has a cavity yet, and I'd like to keep it that way.
This year, American Dental Association (ADA) and PopCap Games are partnering to help people provide an alternative to candy for trick or treating. Anyone who wants to give out copies of PopCap Games' Plant vs. Zombies can download free game coupons that can be redeemed for the full game for either Macs or PCs. Now that's sweet, right?
The codes can be redeemed at Stop Zombie Mouth starting October 30 and until November 10. The hit game normally retails for $19.95, and I can't wait to see the faces of the kids - especially the middle school trick or treaters - when they see what we're giving out this year!
In the interest of full disclosure, I received #StopZombieMouth cards to give out at Halloween next week. I was not provided with any additional compensation. As always, all opinions expressed remain my own.

Ok this got my atention I LOVE this game and laughed out loud when I seen the concept how fun and smart!